Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

VPN ( Virtual Private Network )

yang perlu diingat setelah semua bisa konek ke VPN, terkadang setelah konek ke VPN berhasil koneksi ke internet jadi tidak bisa kecuali VPN di diskonek,

There is a setting to fix this. Go to My Network Places --> view Network Connections --> Right click on [Your Virtual Private Network connection] --> Properties --> Networking Tab --> Choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) --> Properties Button --> Advanced Button --> General Tab --> UNCHECK "Use Default Gateway on Remote Network". Click OK until you're out of the connection properties. Re-connect to your VPN.
Windows XP VPN Configuration

More information about Real Time's products & services is available on our sales web site. Direct links for each item are listed below:
·         Internet Connectivity
·         Hosting Services
·         Linux Solutions
·         VPN Solution
·         Wireless
·         Network Security
·         Customized Linux Training
·         Consulting Services

NOTE: The following instructions are for connecting to a Real Time Linux Firewall with VPN services only, if you are trying to connect to any other server, these instructions will not help you.

Take a look at Real Time's Firewall and VPN information to learn more about our Linux Solutions.

Table of Contents
·         Setting Up Your VPN Connection
·         Initiating Your VPN Connection
·         Disconnecting Your VPN Connection

Setting Up Your VPN Connection
1.    Click on Start, then select Programs then Accessories
2.    Select Communications then New Connection Wizard
3.    In the New Connection Wizard click Next
4.    Select Connect to the Network at my workplace and click Next
5.    Select Virtual Private Network connection and click Next
6.    Enter CompanyName VPN into the Company Name field and click Next
7.    Refer to the VPN Information Sheet (that was faxed to you) for the VPN/PPTP Server name and enter that in the Host name or IP Address field. Click Next
8.    Place a check in the box Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop and click Finish
9.    Double-click the CompanyName VPN icon on the desktop
10. Click the Properties button.
11. With the General tab selected, you can optionally have Windows dial your ISP before dialing the VPN. Only do this if you have an analog (or modem) dial-up connection.
12. Click the Security tab and place a check next to Advanced (custom settings) then click the Settings... button
13. At the top of the Advanced Security Settings window in the Data encryption: field, select Require encryption (disconnect if server declines) In the Logon security section, do the following:
1.    Place a check next to Allow these protocols
2.    Check Microsoft CHAP (MS-CHAP)
3.    Check Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)
4.    Click OK

14. In the VPN Properties Window, click OK
Initiating Your VPN Connection

1.    If you have an analog modem connection, make sure your Internet connection is active.
If you have the First connect option enabled, proceed to step 2.

2.    Double click the VPN icon on your desktop

3.    Refer to the VPN Information sheet that was faxed to you and proceed with the following:
1.    Enter your Username in the User name: field
  2.    Enter your Password in the Password: field
3.    Optional: Place a check in the save password box and select Me only
  4.    Click Connect

4.    A dialog box should appear to show the username and password is being verified

5.    There will be a small icon in the task tray near the clock showing the status of the vpn connection, the 2 small PC icons flash indicating network activity over the VPN.

Disconnecting Your VPN Connection
1.    When you have finished your session, right click the VPN icon in the task bar
2.    Select Disconnect
The instructions and screen shots contained within this website are specific to services offered by Real Time Enterprises only.
If you have any problems connecting to Real Time after carefully following these directions, please call (952) 943-8700 and we will be happy to help you.
Configure a VPN connection from a client computer

To set up a connection to a VPN, follow these steps:
1.        On the computer that is running Windows XP, confirm that the connection to the Internet is correctly configured.
For more information about how to test your Internet configuration, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
314067 ( ) How to troubleshoot TCP/IP connectivity with Windows XP
2.        Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
3.        In Control Panel, double-click Network Connections.
4.        Click Create a new connection.
5.        In the Network Connection Wizard, click Next.
6.        Click Connect to the network at my workplace, and then click Next.
7.        Click Virtual Private Network connection, and then click Next.
8.        If you are prompted to, do one of the following:
o    If you use a dial-up connection to connect to the Internet, click Automatically dial this initial connection, and then click your dial-up Internet connection from the list.
o    If you use a full-time connection such as a cable modem, click Do not dial the initial connection.
9.        Click Next.
10.     Type the name of your company or type a descriptive name for the connection, and then click Next.
11.     Type the host name or the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer that you want to connect to, and then click Next.
12.     Click Anyone's use if you want the connection to be available to anyone who logs on to the computer, or click My use only to make it available only when you log on to the computer, and then click Next.
13.     Click to select the Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop check box if you want to create a shortcut on the desktop, and then click Finish.
14.     If you are prompted to connect, click No.
15.     In the Network Connections window, right-click the new connection.
16.     Click Properties, and then configure more options for the connection:
o    If you are connecting to a domain, click the Options tab, and then click to select the Include Windows logon domain check box to specify whether to request Windows logon domain information before you try to connect.
o    If you want the computer to redial the connection if the line is dropped, click the Options tab, and then click to select the Redial if line is dropped check box.
To use the connection, follow these steps:
1.        Use one of the following methods:
o    Click Start, point to Connect To, and then click the new connection.
o    If you added a connection shortcut to the desktop, double-click the shortcut on the desktop.
2.        If you are not currently connected to the Internet, Windows offers to connect to the Internet.
3.        After your computer connects to the Internet, the VPN server prompts you for your user name and password. Type your user name and password, and then click Connect. Your network resources should be available to you in just like they are when you connect directly to the network.
4.        To disconnect from the VPN, right-click the icon for the connection, and then click Disconnect.
Note If you cannot connect to shared resources on the remote network by computer, you can use the remote computer's IP address to connect by using UNC (\\\Share_name). Edit the hosts file in the Windows\System32\Drivers\ folder, and add an entry to map the remote server's name to its IP address. Then use the computer name in a UNC connection (\\Server_name\Share_name).

Troubleshoot VPN connections
Troubleshooting VPN connection issues typically involves contacting your Internet service provider (ISP), your VPN server administrator, or your router or firewall manufacturer.
When you try to connect to your VPN server, you may not be able to connect, and you may receive an error message that resembles the following:
678: The remote computer did not respond.
930: The authentication server did not respond to authentication requests in a timely fashion
800: Unable to establish the VPN connection.
623: The system could not find the phone book entry for this connection.
720: A connection to the remote computer could not be established.
To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods:
·         Verify that you have connected to the Internet before you try to connect to the VPN server.
For more information about troubleshooting Internet Connectivity in Windows XP, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
314067 ( ) How to troubleshoot TCP/IP connectivity with Windows XP
314095 ( ) How to troubleshoot possible causes of Internet connection problems in Windows XP
·         If you can connect to the Internet but you still cannot establish a connection to the VPN server, and you receive error 623, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
227391 ( ) Error message: "Error 623 the system could not find the phone book entry for this connection" when making a VPN connection
·         If you can connect to the Internet but you still cannot establish a connection to the VPN server, and you receive error 720, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
314869 ( ) Error 720: No PPP control protocols configured
·         If you still cannot connect to the VPN server, the VPN server may not be configured correctly. Contact your VPN server administrator.
If you are the VPN server administrator, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles for additional information about how to configure a Microsoft VPN server:
308208 ( ) How to install and configure a virtual private network server in Windows 2000
162847 ( ) Troubleshooting PPTP connectivity issues in Windows NT 4.0
299684 ( ) Error message: Error 930; The authentication server did not respond to authentication requests in a timely fashion
·         If you use a personal firewall or a broadband router, or if there are routers or firewalls between the VPN client and the VPN server, the following ports and protocol must be enabled for PPTP on all firewalls and routers that are between the VPN client and the VPN server:

Client ports
Server port
Additionally, you must enable IP PROTOCOL 47 (GRE).

For information about your firewall or router configuration, and to confirm that your firewall or your router will pass these ports and protocol, contact the manufacturer of your firewall, your router, your ISP, or your VPN server administrator.

Setting VPN Client on Windows 7

Sebagai pengingat, VPN merupakan sebuah solusi untuk menghubungkan satu atau lebih jaringan pribadi dengan memanfaatkan jaringan public (internet). Dengan menggunakan VPN, keamanan data juga lebih terjamin karena adanya proses enkripsi data. VPN juga menjadi solusi terhadap mahalnya sewa koneksi jaringan secara pribadi (leased lines). Dengan menggunakan VPN kita bisa memanfaatkan koneksi jaringan public (internet) sebagai koneksi jaringan pribadi kita yang biasanya harga sewa koneksi public (internet) jauh lebih murah di banding koneksi jaringan pribadi (leased Lines).

Oke, Jika pada artikel sebelumnya saya sudah membuat sebuah VPN server selanjutnya pada artikel ini saya ingin konek ke VPN server tersebut (di sini saya juga menggunakan Windows 7), untuk melakukan pengaturan VPN Client pada Windows 7 ikuti langka-lanngkah berikut ini :

1. Buka Control Panel, dari menu StartControl PanelNework and Internet - Network and Sharing Center kemudian pilih Setup e new connection or network.

2. Pada halaman Choose a connection option pilih pilihan Connect to a workspace dimana memang kita ingin melakukan koneksi VPN kemudian klik tombol Next.

3. Pada halaman Do you want tu use a connection that you already have? Pilih pilihan No, create a new connection kemudian klik tombol Next, jika kamu ingin menggunakan koneksi internet yang lain bisa memilih pilihan di bawahnya.

4. Pada halaman How do you want to connect? Pilih pilihan Use my Internet connection (VPN).

5. Pada halaman Type The Internet Address to Connect to masukan IP public dari VPN server, kamu juga bisa menambahkan nama dari VPN server tersebut agar mudah untuk di ingat lalu klik tombol Next.

6. Pada halaman Type your username and password, masukan salah satu Username dan Password dari akun yang telah kita tambahkan pada saat pengaturan VPN Server kemudian klik tombol Connect.

7. Selanjutnya VPN Client akan melakukan koneksi ke VPN server dan VPN server akan melakukan Verifiying terhadap Username dan Password yang telah di masukan, tunggu proses sampai selesai.

8. Jika sudah berhasil pada informasi jaringan akan terlihat seperti pada gambar di bawah ini.

9. Selain hal di atas untuk mengecek apakah kita sudah terkoneksi ke VPN server, kamu bisa membuka Command Prompt kemudian ketikan ipconfig, hasilnya akan terlihat seperti di bawah, bahwa kita telah berhasil konek ke VPN server yang di tandai dengan informasi PPP adapter VPN Win7 dengan informasi alamat IP yang telah kita alokasikan di awal konfigurasi VPN server.

Sangat mudah sekali bukan? kamu tidak perlu menginstall aplikasi tambahan untuk Membangun VPN Server pada Windows 7 atau juga untuk konek ke server VPN, kamu bisa memanfaatkan fitur yang sudah ada. Untuk membangun VPN server dengan Windows 7 kamu hanya membutuhkan koneksi Internet dan satu IP public sebagai pintu masuk.

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